Monday, May 11, 2020

Was the coronavirus altered by passing it through different animals?

"A new study has suggested that the Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, might have originated from a recombination of coronaviruses in a bat and pangolin." "Genome sequencing found that the pangolin-CoV was very similar to both SARS-CoV-2 and bat Sars-CoV RaTG13 (from which SARS-CoV-2 is suspected to have originated) but the only difference was the spike or S gene." The bat coronavirus cannot bind to human cells but once it obtained the S protein from the pangolin virus it became infective to humans. President Donald Trump has blamed China for covering up the severity and spread of the infection when it first appeared in Wuhan. He said that it was an attack on the US. worse than that on Pearl Harbor. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also accused China of cover-up and hinted at the virus originating in a laboratory in Wuhan. US officials are investigating the possibility of whether the virus could have escaped from a lab. Scientists studying the virus genome are convinced that there is no possibility of the virus having been genetically manipulated in a lab. One group of scientists have gone even further, saying that the "virus could have spread among humans for years or even decades before now". They do not explain why it has become so contagious and virulent suddenly and why we do not seem have developed any immunity against it. Although different, herpes viruses live in our bodies for decades without causing any inconvenience. HSV-1 may cause cold sores on our lips during a fever, while the chicken pox virus may cause a painful rash along a nerve, called herpes zoster, if immunity levels drop. "Top Russian expert has claimed that scientists at Wuhan laboratory did "absolutely crazy things" to alter the coronavirus and enabled it to target humans." Prof Clive Hamilton claimed that the virus could only have originated in the Wuhan lab and not in the wet market in Wuhan because some early cases had no contact with that market. "The hypothesis came from Chinese scientists themselves and was all over the internet before disappearing, Professor Hamilton said." Is it possible that the virus did originate in the Wuhan lab but was not manipulated by the Chinese directly? The Chinese scientists could have deliberately exposed a range of wild animals to the bat coronavirus to encourage natural mutation and succeeded when it passed through pangolins. These mutations would be natural. China has refused to share samples of virus isolated by its scientists and even destroyed samples of the virus from the Wuhan lab, wrote Prof Brahma Chellaney. Pompeo accused China of not sharing virus samples and of destroying existing samples. China has furiously denied any cover-up in a long article, quoting Abraham Lincoln about fooling people.  The virus has already mutated into 10 different types in the few months that it first appeared in Wuhan. So, there is no reason why China refuses to share its samples. Unless they are mutations which occurred during their experiments with different animals. Scientists should be looking into that. 

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