Monday, May 18, 2020

Bat meets pangolin in Wuhan lab.

"Chinese President Xi Jinping said he supports calls for an investigation into the handling of the coronavirus pandemic at a key summit Monday, but insisted that any inquiry should wait until the virus is contained." Which makes it completely meaningless because that may take years and the virus may never go away, according to the WHO. "The wording of the resolution is weak compared to Australia's previous calls for a probe into China's role and responsibility in the origin of the pandemic." Even as Xi was lying to the world China was imposing 80% tariffs on import of Australian barley. "The tariffs, set to begin on Tuesday and continue for five years, are effectively to stop billions of dollars of trade between the nations, Reuters reported." Earlier, China "suspended beef imports from four of Australia's largest meat processors, as the trade of several key agricultural commodities suffers in the wake of souring ties stemming from a dispute over the Covid-19 pandemic." Why take revenge on Australia for calling for an investigation unless Xi has no intention of cooperating with one? The spat has been ongoing since April when the Daily Telegraph in Australia questioned China's handling of the virus leading to an angry response from the Chinese ambassador in Australia. In a point-by-point answer to the ambassador's letter the Telegraph brutally ridiculed him and China. A follow up complaint by the Chinese ambassador was answered with the same mockery. "China's claims that the pandemic emerged from a wild animal market in Wuhan last December have been challenged by a landmark scientific study. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease. They also say they were 'surprised' the virus was already 'pre-adapted to human transmission', contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic." Scientists are sure that the virus originated naturally and was not engineered by human beings. Bat coronaviruses need an intermediate host to become infective to human beings and this one is suspected to have passed through pangolins. Bats live in the air and pangolins on the ground so how did a bat virus go through pangolins. This is where the Wuhan Institute of Virology comes in. Earthquakes are natural phenomena but dams have been blamed for causing slippage of tectonic plates. Hydraulic fracking has also been linked to earthquakes. Scientists in the lab in Wuhan must have passed the bat coronavirus through different animals, including pangolins which are a delicacy in China. The bat virus picked up the S gene from the pangolin virus and then infected people working in the lab. That is why China destroyed all samples of the virus, to destroy mutations produced by passing through other animals. Thus, the virus appears natural. But is man-made. 

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