Saturday, February 26, 2011

While people in the middle east fight for freedom of speech we, in India, have a more sinister problem to deal with. Our press, especially the English variety, functions as the propaganda mouthpiece for the Congress. To support the pseudo secularist image of the Congress the press spews out anti Hindu rhetoric on a daily basis. We were advised to maintain peace after the unprovoked attacks on Mumbai by Paki murderers and since last year there has been a concerted effort at talking up peace with Pakistan. At the same time there are articles on so called " Hindu terrorism " some going to the extent of calling us " Hindu Taleban." Now that a court has ruled that the burning of the coach in Sabarmati express was a muslim conspiracy there is not one word against the killing of Hindus by muslims which has been going on for centuries. Hindus are naturally peace loving and even docile and have endured centuries of attacks by muslims and christians. This is still going on in the form of conversions by subterfuge and abduction of vulnerable girls but we like to ignore that while trying to preserve our religion. However, when we are constantly attacked by a Congress controlled press it leads to anger and support for idiotic parties like the Shiv Sena. Fifty three people were burned to death in the Sabarmati express which led to riots and killing of some thousand muslims while the killing of one Indira Gandhi led to the murder of over 5000. Yet the press continues to pour venom on Narendra Modi while conveniently forgetting that not one person has ever been convicted for those deaths. Not to have freedom of speech is bad but a subservient press lying to protect The Family is infinitely worse.

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