Thursday, February 24, 2011

Time was when forest fires were deemed to be a natural disaster but now we are told that fires help to rejuvenate the forest or grassland by burning of the deadwood and stimulating growth of new grass and plants which, in turn, nourish plant eating animals. Maybe wars have a similar function in human society. In the past wars were common when entire cities were sacked and citizens were either enslaved or killed. Humans still progressed and great civilisations rose from the ashes of older ones. We celebrate war mongers of the past like Achiles, Genghis Khan, Alexander and Nepolean while trying to maintain peace at all costs. This allows repulsive dictators to hang around for decades at great cost to their countries and to the world in general. Now, Ben Ali and Mubarak have gone and Qaddafi is tottering. He seems determined to fight to the end and has hinted at destroying Libya's oil fields if forced to flee. Oil has already crossed $ 100 and may cross 200 if Libya goes up in flames. This will help dictators dependent on oil such as Iran and Venezuela who may be tempted to create more chaos in neighboring countries that they dislike. Zooming commodity prices may cause hyperinflation in China leading, hopefully, to civil war and destruction. Pakistan is already imploding as the US threatens to cut off aid over the CIA killer, Davies and may collapse altogether. War may break out in the middle east and it would be no surprise to see some Sunni Arab states supported by Israel and the US taking on Syria, Iran and its militias. India will suffer but we may, in the confusion, be able to get rid of the garbage that is enslaving us at present. Pleasant thought.

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