Saturday, February 05, 2011

President Obama has asked for an " orderly transition " to democracy in Egypt. " Democracy " means majority rule. Women are 53% of the population in the US but cannot become president. The administration is terrified of the National Rifle Association jihadists supported by right wing, reactionary dung heads who dominate the media. So no democracy there. Protesters in Egypt are demanding democracy but their anger is fueled by lack of money to buy food and to get married. In muslim countries men have to pay dowry or " meher " to the bride's father and a fair pretty virgin can cost thousands of pounds. So Egyptian demand for " democracy " is really about more food and sex. Meanwhile in Malawi the parliament is set to debate a bill which will make it illegal to break wind in public. Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister, George Chaponda said, " It was not there during the time of dictatorship because people were afraid of the consequences. Now because of multipartism or freedom, people would like to fart anywhere." In India democracy is the ideal refuge for career criminals, euphemistically known as history sheeters, who join politics because they can then control the police and investigating agencies and continue to commit crimes with complete immunity. In Italy Berlusconi became a politician to hold " bunga bunga " parties with under age girls and then claim immunity from prosecution. Thus " democracy " provides guns, sex or gas. What it does not do is guarantee a clean government dedicated solely to the welfare of the people. Sadly it is probably still the best form of government.

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