Friday, February 11, 2011

Papers obtained by Al Jazeera show that the Palestinian Authority made enormous concessions to Israel in May 2008 ( Guardian Weekly 28.01.2011 ). Ahmed Qureia agreed that Israel could annex all settlements in East Jerusalem except Har Homa and a committee to manage the disputed holy site, Temple Mount but Ms Tzipi Livni rejected it out of hand because she wanted Har Homa, Ma'ale Adunim and Ariel in the West Bank. Saeb Erekat asked Ms Livni, " Short of your jet fighters in my sky and your army in my territory can I choose where I secure external defence?" She replied, " No. In order to create your state you have to agree in advance with Israel -- you have to choose not to have the right of choice. These are the basic pillars." That is so rude, insulting and stupid that you wonder about her sanity. With Mubarak set to step down in Egypt any following elections will see the Muslim Brotherhood gain some say in how the government is run and it has said that there will be a referendum on the peace treaty with Israel. The Brotherhood will surely seek to end the blockade on Hamas in Gaza and may even actively supply aid and arms. Once Egypt falls the same fate may befall Jordan where the Brotherhood is also strong. So Israel will end up with the Muslim Brotherhood on its east and west with the dangerous Hezbollah to the north in Lebanon. Had they accepted the proposals in 2008 and helped in creating a Palestinian state on the West Bank run by a friendly Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas they would have created pressure on Hamas to also negotiate. As it is they must be wondering if the Jewish state will survive. Well done Ms Tzipi Livni.

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