Monday, February 07, 2011

In her usual irrational manner Ms Sarah Palin has apparently accused President Obama of not explaining the situation in Egypt to the American people. The reason Obama is unable to explain Egypt is because he does not know how the situation is going to develop. So here is a little explanation which Ms Palin will understand. Egypt is a country in the extreme north east corner of Africa which is a continent south east of Florida across the Atlantic ocean. There is not a single moose in Africa. In Washington there is a tall tapering structure called Cleopatra's needle. Cleopatra was the queen of Egypt 2000 years ago. She had trouble with an asp and not her ass which was much admired by Julius Caesar. Egyptians today are Arabs and not the pointy headed people with a funny walk who were Phoenicians. Egypt has been ruled for 30 years by President Mubarak who has been a staunch ally of the US unlike North Korea which is an ally of China. Mubarak has been rigging elections to stay in power and was planning to step down in favor of his son in elections in September. Inspired by events in Tunisia ( we will not go into that because it will become too complicated for Ms Palin ) the people in the capital city Cairo have been demanding the resignation of Mr. Mubarak who has promised not to stand for reelection but refuses to go now. The opposition is divided but is supporting the protesters. The army is neutral for the moment but will be the final arbiter in this dispute. Nothing Obama can do apart from calling for a quick transition to democracy while privately quaking at the thought of the Muslim Brotherhood gaining power. I hope it is all clear to Ms Palin.

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