Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The US seems to be perennially debating the ethics of abortion. Abortion is wrong. Whether the baby is sentient at an early stage of pregnancy or able to feel pain is beside the point. This is the old argument about whether animals, fish or insects feel pain. Taking of any life is wrong. However real life is not always that simple. Sometimes a woman may be so desperate that she is has no other avenue except abortion. Let us take a single mother with one child who has become pregnant because she was drunk or forced or plain stupid. She can hardly take care of one child and can in no way take care of another. In desperation she wants an abortion to be able to be a good mother to the child she already has. Antiabortion fanatics want to abolish abortion whatever the circumstances and are ready to kill for their cause. Their mistake is that they think that a human baby's development ends with the end of pregnancy. Not so. Unlike animals who are miniature adults at birth human children are completely undeveloped and do not become similar to adults till around the age of 18 to 20 years. Therefore it is not enough to seek to protect a baby until it is born but this protection must be extended until such time that the child is independent. Which means that antiabortion groups should pay the mother for all the expenses that the child will need. If the mother is unable to work having to look after a new baby and a previous child then they should pay for the whole family. If you feel so strongly about saving babies then pay for their safety. Put your money where your mouth is.

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