Saturday, March 13, 2010

Seems that the government is spending Rs. 37.26 billion for buying twelve, yes twelve helicopters for VVIPs or Very Very Important Persons as criminal politicians like to call themselves. This explains why the talk is always of increasing taxes and finding new ways to levy service tax and VAT. Six months ago a return ticket to Vienna from Delhi by a foreign airline cost Rs. 33298 of which the actual ticket cost Rs. 16640, taxes Rs. 11200, Fees Rs. 1300 and Charges Rs. 4158. Thus the total tax and unspecified fees and charges came to Rs. 16658 which was more than the the cost of the ticket. Domestic airlines are forbidden from revealing the breakdown but the tax element is even higher. One economist argued in the Sunday paper that increased taxes on petrol and diesel do not cause inflation because people adjust by spending less on other products which brings down their prices. That has always been the policy of the Congress. Burden the people with crippling taxes in the name of the aam aadmi thus creating more poverty and finding the excuse to increase taxes even more. The poor, in whose name this crime is perpetrated, do not realise that it is because of these taxes they remain in the cattle class and are unable to afford the luxury of flying. Now add in an inflation rate of around 17% and it is easy to see why people have to beg. This is where politicians and kleptocrats dole out cheap rice, free electricity and other goodies which makes the people ever so grateful. Thus the people remain aam while the criminals are khas by contrast with the exchequer at their disposal. Incredible India indeed.

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