Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More children killed in China, this time by toxic vaccines. Children were killed last year by melamine mixed in milk powder. This was done to increase its nitrogen content and give the impression of high protein. Three very low ranking persons were sentenced to death. The factory owners and officials escaped. Children were killed in the earthquake in Shinxiang a couple of years ago when schools and nurseries collapsed although buildings housing party offices withstood the earthquake. Protesting parents were beaten up and threatened into silence. Then there was lead in toys. How many children were affected in that one escapes me. Children have been dying of chemical poisoning from factory effluents in various parts. Now, it seems, that tuberculosis and hepatitis vaccines have resulted in the death of at least four children. Chen Tao'an, a former director of information at the Shanxi disease control center, said that he has seen batches of vaccines dumped out in the sun or kept in hot rooms at the Beijing Huawei Biomedical company. He reported these lapses at least thirty times but was ignored. As expected these reports were denied by local officials. The whistleblower may end up in jail. The brutal regime of thugs that runs China depends on runaway growth of the economy and military threats against all its neighbors. It is directly dangerous for its own people and potentially very dangerous for other countries because it may start a war to divert attention if things get tough domestically. Other countries are beginning to object to its trade and currency manipulations. If its economy falters China may implode. I pray that happens.

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