Sunday, March 07, 2010

At the Chilcot enquiry, Sir John Chilcot opined that things in Iraq are immeasurably better now than they were. Compared to what? In the seventies Indians used to work in Iraq as they in Dubai today. They say that it was a beautiful modern country with world class infrastructure, free education, free healthcare, night clubs and educated women without burqa. Saddam was enticed into attacking Kuwait and in the reprisal that followed much of the infrastructure was deliberately destroyed. In the following decade the US and UK maintained no fly zones in the north and south of the country preventing Iraq from bringing in supplies for reconstruction. The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown said in reply that when Saddam was removed the whole country was in ruins. And why pray was that? It was because of an abomination called " Oil for Food Program " in which select countries plundered Iraq's natural resources and made Iraqis beg for food, medicines and essentials. At least a million people have died in the lost decade and even today children are being born with horrific congenital defects because of depleted uranium used in the munitions. Yet Kuwait, which was always a part of Iraq, was created by the British when forced to withdraw from Mesopotamia just as they divided India and Palestine. If Tibet is a part of China then Kuwait is surely a part of Iraq. However, greed overcame reason and Saddam was removed in an illegal war to loot all the oil. It failed spectacularly and the criminals are having to run with tails between their legs. Where, I wonder, is the honey trap called April Glaspie?

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