Saturday, March 20, 2010

The freeloading press is at it again. Lots of articles about the American/Pakistani terrorist Headley who has pleaded guilty to terror attacks so as to avoid the death penalty. As usual the press is taking the discussion on the wrong track choosing to blame the Americans for not cooperating with India's request to question Headley whereas India had given full access to FBI investigators who wanted to question Kasab the Pakistani captured during the Mumbai attacks. That Americans arrogantly assert their superiority over citizens of other countries has been documented many times. They maintained sanctions against Vietnam, a country they had attacked without provocation, for 25 years because they wanted information about MIAs or dead soldiers. For them dead Americans who engaged in criminal acts of slaughter are more precious than living Asians. That is because they are militarily strong and supported by white slave countries like the UK and Australia. However, it is our fault for being weak. Even after repeated attacks by terrorists from Pakistan we beg for talks with that country. We have proof of direct involvement of Pakistani army officers, Pakistani Foreign Minister sneers that India is begging for talks on bended knees, Indian interests are being completely ignored in Afghanistan but we hold back because America orders us to do so. Noriega, President of Panama was kidnapped by American soldiers, served prison in the US and was then extradited to France but Headley will not be extradited to India. What the press should ask is what hold the Americans have on our politicians. But they will not. After all freeloaders can only obey orders.

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