Thursday, March 11, 2010

India gained independence from the British in 1947 while Israel gained independence, also from the British, in 1948. India fought three wars with Pakistan which we won at the cost of many young lives. After every victory we returned territory gained by the heroics of martyred soldiers without anything in return. Israel, on the other hand, kept all captured territory and bargained some for long standing binding peace accords. Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt for a peace treaty which has held to this day and neutralised Egypt among its Arab enemies. It also signed an accord with Jordan prompting Jordan to give up any claim to the West Bank which it has left to the Palestinians. Israel continues to sit on the Golan Heights because Syria refuses to give the security guarantees that it seeks and also because of Syria's proximity to Iran and its murderous proxy, the Hezbollah. It is also refusing any discussion on Jerusalem. Indeed Israel is building more settlements in east Jerusalem even as Joe Biden is visiting the country. So what has Israel lost? Nothing. Instead, it has gained respect and Arab countries are so terrified of a nuclear armed Iran the one can easily envisage a war with Israel and Arabs on the same side. India on the other hand is held in contempt and threatened on every side. Since there is no respect or fear of punishment Pakis continue to send in terrorists and China threatens every day. Even beggarly Nepal supports the Naxals with arms. Israel bombed nuclear facilities in Iraq and Syria while Rajiv Gandhi was scared to do the same to the Pakis. Everyone respects a country with 3 million people and spits on one with a billion.

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