Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The UK government has banned Islam4UK, an Islamic organisation led by one Anjem Chaudary. They vehemently object to the war in Afghanistan and accuse British troops of killing innocent civilians and children. British soldiers killed in Afghanistan are flown home to Wootton Bassett where residents turn out to honour the dead. Islam4UK were apparently planning a march through that town protesting against the killing of muslims. They have denied that they were intending to carry two hundred empty coffins. On hearing of the ban Anjem Chaudary accused the British government of dictatorship and said that he intended to carry on with his activities. He said that he had to continue to pray and spread sharia. ' This is something I must do, and ultimately I will pay whatever price I need to for my belief,' he said. That is great news. Ship him off to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran or any one of the Islamic states in the world and we shall see his devotion to his cause. After all the people of these countries are also fervent believers and should afford him a great welcome. Maybe down the centuries he will be remembered as the great believer who bore his welcome without uttering a sound.

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