Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A surgeon is south Mumbai has been asked by a consumer court to pay Rs. 100000 plus Rs. 1000 cost to a patient who was operated on for piles. After the operation he developed pain and swelling around the anus and had to go to another surgeon to set things right. Admittedly it is not pleasant to have pain in the anus. You cannot sit and cannot ask for sympathy because it is embarassing to discuss. So Rathore, who as the Director General of police molested a 14 year old girl and then hounded the family forcing her to kill herself, is fined Rs. 1000 while a pain in the anus is valued at Rs. 101000. The anus is therefore 1000 times more valuable than a teenage girl. Incredible India indeed. Is it any wonder that Union Carbide thought they were paying too much when they dished out an insulting $ 500 million for killing over 20000 outright and tens of thousands therafter in a slow lingering death. If 50000 have died till now it values each person at $ 10000 or Rs. 450000, just 4.5 times the value of a man's anus. Sometimes a man's life has no value at all as when he is murdered by a politician who is then let off because his support is necessary for the ruling party and who then becomes the chief minister of a state. No wonder the Australians are puzzled by the fuss in the Indian press about Indians being systematically beaten and killed in Australia in racist attacks.

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