Sunday, January 17, 2010

Google's intent of pulling out of China because of hackers attacking mails of human rights campaigners is equivalent to throwing a shoe in the face of the Chinese government. Being uncivilised barbarians the Chinese are very conscious of loss of ' face ' and there cannot be a bigger loss of face than an american company indicating that they are indeed barbarians with no respect for their own people. This is not some empty name calling. When a Chinese mining company failed in its bid to acquire the Australian mining giant Rio Tinto the Chinese arrested some Rio Tinto executives on charges of industrial eapionage and are still holding them. This is the action of a street thug. If I cannot get what I want I will smash your face in. Recently 40 workers at Korba in Chhattisgarh, India died when a chimney they were building for a Chinese company, SEPCO collapsed. Three Chinese engineers have been arrested for shoddy work and rightly so because so many people died. So China has arrested 21 Indian diamond merchants in Shenzen on palpably false charges of smuggling and are holding them without allowing Indian consular officials to assist in their defence. Unfortunately the world only sees opportunity of making money in China. Google has put the spotlight on what barbaric savages they are. Thank you Google.

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