Saturday, July 04, 2020

What will it do if we destroy its face?

"Diplomatically China is currently going through a bad phase," wrote Chetan Bhagat. Chinese culture is heavily dependent on the concept of 'face' (mianzi) and mutual dependence (guanxi). "Face refers to respect, honor and social standing." "Guanxi is usually translated as 'social connections' or 'relationships'," a Chinese word for reciprocity. Bhagat thinks that we should give face to the Chinese if we want something in return. But, what about face for India? China has repeatedly blocked India's entry into the Nuclear Supplier's Group only to keep us weak and prevent India's rise. What right does China have to criticize India's decision to repeal Article 370 when it is guilty of torturing Uighur children in Xinjiang province? When India banned 59 Chinese apps on smartphones, including TikTok, for the cowardly murder of 20 India soldiers in a surprise ambush in Ladakh, the editor of the Communist Party mouthpiece Global Times Hu Xijin tweeted, "Well, even if Chinese people want to boycott Indian products, they can't really find many Indian goods. Indian friends, you need to have some things that are more important than nationalism." Not much respect for India's face there. Ever since President Richard Nixon's visit to Chine in 1972, the world has been giving face to China. The US Congress passed a bill to extend "Permanent Normal Trade Relations" to China in 2000, which was equivalent to granting a Most Favored Nation (MFN) status to China in perpetuity. China's guanxi in return was to lie, to cheat, to force technology transfer and to block access to US companies, like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Walmart and many others. Swaminathan Aiyar wrote that India should not even think about a war with China because of its vast military superiority but should instead increase trade with that nation so that we can have some leverage on them. It's true that we got a thrashing in 1962 and lost vast tracts of territory but the Indian army has fought 3 wars with Pakistan while China has fought none. China took advantage of Nehru giving too much mianzi to China when he promoted Hindi-Chini bhai bhai, which means India and China are brothers, and believed China's lies that it would respect the 5 principles of peaceful coexistence signed under Panchsheel. In return we got a ferocious slap. To deal with China, the first thing we must recognize is that the Chinese are a completely uncivilized and barbaric people and the Communist Party is a collection of ruthless, sociopathic gangsters with delusions of conquering the world. Complete mistrust in our dealing with China should be the first step. We should increase ties and business with Taiwan which is preparing for an asymmetric war with China and quietly support groups calling for independence for Tibet. We should take every opportunity to rub China's rotten mianzi in its face, along with the US, Australia and other nations suffering at its hands. China has no friends because it is an inhuman tyranny. If we keep inflicting small cuts it will implode. The world will be safer.       

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