Thursday, November 03, 2011

When push comes to shove all politicians are dictators. A kangaroo court in Britain has sentenced Julian Assange of Wikileaks to be extradited to Sweden where another kangaroo court will extradite him to the US where a third one will send him to prison. These countries lose no time lecturing China, which is trying hard to censor internet and micro blogging sites, on free speech and human rights. While applying sanctions on Syria, police in the US beats up peaceful protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement. One Iraq war veteran is fighting for his life with severe head injuries while bankers give themselves huge bonuses with taxpayer money. Fans at the Metallica concert at Bangalore had to dump their belongings in a field because police would not allow IPads and laptops inside. They were given no receipt and all valuable items were stolen. When they complained police beat them with batons. When police are criminals did they expect anything else? In Delhi taxes have been increasing steadily to find money looted from the Commonwealth Games. Electricity rates have jumped, circle rates have gone up by 250% and today fines for trivial driving offences have gone up from Rs 100 to 500. While the lying press constantly accuses BJP governments in Karnataka and Gujarat of various crimes there is deafening silence on the Congress government of Delhi. Is it because the Wide Receiver is protected by the Capo? Meanwhile Manu Sharma, who is serving life for the murder of Jessica Lall, is asking for parole to attend his brother's wedding. Why not? Earlier Delhi politicians allowed him out for 1 month to enjoy nightclubs. Delhi,capital of crime.

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