Tuesday, November 08, 2011

In a feelgood article titled " An Autumn of Happy Tidings " in the Times of India today, one Chandrajit Bannerjee writes of all the good things that our politicians are doing for the country. The cabinet has cleared a National Manufacturing Policy which will increase competitiveness in manufacturing and provide a boost by helping to acquire land and improving infrastructure. How? Every highway that is built is a means of extorting money through tolls so onerous that traffic consists mainly of trucks and very few private motorists. The RBI has indicated a stop to increasing interest rates because of enormous pressure put on it by vested interests but it is stupid to think that uncontrolled inflation will not decrease production by reducing consumer spending. Even though we have vast coal reserves we are unable to supply our power plants. Vast amounts of our mineral wealth are being stolen by criminal politicians and civil servants. Film producer, Vinod Bachchan had to pay bribe for every scene that was shot at the Qutab Minar in Delhi because the staff, who are government employees, kept obstructing the crew. Instead of being ashamed one of the scum said that the Mr Bachchan was the guilty party for paying bribes. Subhumans! An actress Shriya Saran was abused and assaulted in Hyderabad by Telegana activists while police stood by watching. Raje Bhatnagar, Deputy Director of Directorate General of Civil Aviation has been suspended because of his involvement in importing luxury jets for a private company involving millions of rupees. India would have " happy tidings " if politicians and civil servants were eliminated. But how?

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