Monday, November 07, 2011

The government has embarked on a project to provide a Unique Identity Document for every citizen of the country at colossal expense that the country can ill afford. A form asks for name, age, address, cell phone number, bank and post office account details. Photocopies of various documents, such as passport, driving licence, birth certificate, school leaving certificate and others may be attached as proof of the information supplied. There is a question asking for permission for the information to be supplied to other agencies. In an effort to deceive the public the question is asked in the negative i.e. " Please indicate if you do not have any objection to this information being supplied to others ". You have to tick yes or no. Most probably this has been done deliberately so that either answer can be construed as an affirmative. The reason for wasting trillions of rupees of taxpayer money is that the government can target poor people more effectively for social services. People like me who have to pay taxes, do not belong to SC, ST, OBC or any minority community, do not receive any form of service from the government and are dismissed as inconsequential because our numbers do not qualify us as " vote bank " must not be forced to supply such details to a gestapo government. Since politicians and civil servants are criminals what is to prevent these details being supplied to a terrorist who can then make a card for himself in my name? Will I ever be able to prove my innocence? Previous experience with voter I card and PAN card shows that details of one person were often added to another one. Time to be terrified.

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