Friday, November 11, 2011

Life sentences have been awarded to 31 people convicted of killing minorities in 2002 in riots following the burning of Hindus in the Sabarmati Express. That is entirely correct and the Congress controlled press is suitably righteous in its plaudits. However, there is no righteous indignation on the killing of 3 Hindus in Sindh province in Pakistan on Monday. Any crime committed by " minorities " against Hindus do not deserve a mention. There was no condemnation from our government. It was left to the US State department to issue a condemnation and demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice. Meanwhile our most revered Prime Minister is enjoying the balmy weather of the Maldives where he is pictured shaking hands with Pakistani Prime Minister, Gilani whom he has called a " man of peace ". Much is being made of the Most Favored Notion status conferred to India by Pakistan recently, at least 20 years too late. It is not because rabid generals have suddenly seen the light but because Pakistan is bankrupt. Its traditional alms giver, the US, is cutting back and desperate visits with a begging bowl to China and Saudi Arabia have seen it remain empty. So, apart from an invitation to our Prime Minister to visit Pakistan which has been accepted with alacrity, has India gained anything from the talks? We will never know because our press will not give a balanced review. Anyway we are happy that our Great Leader is dashing about the world for us. Only recently he has been to New York, Cannes, Maldives and is off to Indonesia and Singapore on November 18. We hope the food is tasty. What vicarious pleasure for our hungry stomachs.

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