Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The regular climate change jamboree has started again, this time in Durban in South Africa. It is an occasion for expenses paid knees-up for delegates, from politicians to NGOs to civil society representatives. At the end of several days of speeches rehashing the same tired old arguments about the urgency of reducing greenhouse gases the conference will end with a meaningless resolution calling for further consultations which means more expenses paid junkets. How seriously it is taken can be judged by the fact that Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa was 40 minutes late for his opening speech as host of the conference. Already India, China and Brazil have called for recognition of " historical emissions " meaning that rich countries should atone for their past by making deeper cuts and paying for technology upgrade to help poorer countries. Rich countries counter by asking for equal commitments from developing countries and saying that they can afford to pay for such upgrades because of their economic growth. The only countries really desperate for positive action are island nations such as the Maldives which will cease to exist if sea levels rise. Not one person has the courage to lay out the truth. Rich countries must understand that they can stop immigration, they can put up trade barriers and they can stop technology transfer but they cannot stop greenhouse gases from spreading, the rise of the sea level or the depletion of the ozone layer. If the poor die they will die too. Poor countries must stop breeding. More people mean destruction of forests and more gases. We share the space ship earth and live or die together. That simple.

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