Tuesday, November 01, 2011

A calamitous event came to pass yesterday as the world population passed 7 billions. Countries such as Nigeria, India and Philippines are claiming the 7 billionth baby as though it is an honor when they are unable to feed the people they already have. Of all the creatures in the world humans resemble the malaria parasite the most. Malaria enters the body through the bite of a mosquito and hides in the liver to escape the immune system. Humans evolved among other primates and at first lived in the wild for protection. Malaria multiplies until its numbers overwhelm the bodies defences. Humans have been multiplying without check. Mother nature has tried every means of wiping us out. She has tried floods, earthquakes, small pox, cholera, typhoid, plague and now HIV AIDS but just like malaria we have survived through shear numbers and just as malaria develops immunity to drugs we have developed vaccines and antibiotics to stay alive. Just as the malaria parasite invades the blood stream after multiplying in the liver so humans have invaded every space on earth from the arctic to equator, from the Amazon rain forest to the harshest deserts. Just as malaria causes fever in the host so we are beginning to cause mother earth to develop fever. It is called global warming and just as malaria finally kills the host we will kill earth. There is some good news. Malaria is able to pass to a new host before death but we have no time to invade another planet. Secondly, one species of malaria does not fight against another but we will surely wipe out all humans. The clash of civilisations has begun. Mother earth must be pleased.

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