Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tunisian President Ben Ali scarpered to Saudi Arabia with his whole family after 23 years of dictatorship suddenly collapsed in the face of public anger. His mistake was that he was too selfish and refused to share the loot with anyone else. Contrast this with Omar Bongo who was president of Gabon for 42 years from 1967 to 1992 and died in office. He included everyone including the opposition in the loot of the oil wealth of his country. India is a much larger country and offers lot more opportunities for loot. There are 1200 political gangs registered in India of which 200 have no political activity and are sources of money laundering because political gangs are exempt from tax. Two large gangs, the Congress and BJP have some presence in most of the country, the CPM is restricted to Bengal and Kerala while gangs like the DMK are restricted to only one state, Tamil Nadu. This allows leaders of all gangs some chance at making sure that they and at least ten generations following them can live in luxury without doing any work. Of course the pot at the center is much larger than at state level but even a one state gang can dip into the central pot by cooperating with a bigger gang, euphemistically known as " compulsions of coalition politics." Those not strong enough to be near the chief feel sad and so agitate for the creation of a separate state. Thus Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand were carved out of UP, MP and Bihar. The original states kept their ministers and civil servants the same but now the fringe players have their own opportunities. No wonder Telengana fellows were literally in tears for their own feeding trough. Only fair.

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