Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Riots in Tunisia over unemployment and rising food prices have left around 7 people dead. There have been sympathetic riots in Algeria. Pakistan withdrew fuel price rises after public protests. There is only one reason underlying all the protests and that is exploding human population. In some countries in the middle east birth rate is 8 children per woman. It is the poor who breed the most and more children means more mouths to feed. Hunger is unbearable so the poor become increasingly desperate. Poverty becomes an excuse for cutting down trees to clear land for cultivation and provide fuel for cooking resulting in the kind of floods we saw in Pakistan. Falling forest cover leads to global warming which, in turn, leads to more evaporation from the oceans that precipitates as rain as we see in Australia now. Such extreme weather reduces food production leading to rising food prices. Poverty is an excuse for killing wild life for bush meat as in Africa and for sale of animal parts as we see in India. Poverty is an excuse for indiscriminate killings as members of drug gangs as we see in Mexico. Poverty is an excuse for selling daughters to flesh traders to be transported to foreign countries to be abused. Poverty is an excuse for voting for clowns such as Chavez or supporting thugs like Mugabe and Gbagbo. Only about 15% of the land surface of the earth is fit for cultivation. More people means agricultural land being used for building houses and factories. Bleeding hearts keep on moaning about aid to the poor. They should go from door to door and stop people breeding. Or else so many will die there will not be enough land for graves.

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