Monday, January 31, 2011

Headline in the Times of India, TOI on January 29, 2011 - " Cash strapped Prasar Bharati looks at new ways to generate revenue." Seems that employees of this public sector company are moonlighting for private companies while drawing salaries paid for by the ever suffering taxpayers. More cash is to be generated by marketing its archives containing speeches by Nehru and Jinnah. While some musty professors may be pleased at the prospect can you see cell phone hooked, shopping mall educated youth tweeting with excitement? Headline in TOI, January 30, 2011 - " Cash strapped Indian Railways looks to private players." Seems that having no money for new stocks and maintenance Indian Railways are going to involve private builders to develop properties at five railway stations. This is a monopoly behemoth with vast acres of prime land in every city and town in India which, if developed properly, could yield trillions of rupees in revenue. New Delhi station is filthy, the stairs and over bridges are worn out and one has to go to filthy, unhygienic roadside restaurants to eat. A large building with restaurants, rest rooms, reasonably priced hotel for transiting passengers with a long wait for their next train and shops would pay back its investment in less than 5 years. Not one station has a chemist for essential medicines or shops where one could buy diapers, baby food or sanitary napkins. Why are potential gold mines unable to generate revenue? Seems that the CWG Organising Committee spent Rs 80 million taking 166 people, many of whom were hangers on, for a junket to Beijing for which no report was filed. Criminal beggars all.

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