Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rats not only are deserting in large numbers but turning on each other. The interim government in Tunisia, led by cronies of ousted president, Ben Ali have issued an international warrant for his arrest. They have also asked foreign governments to freeze his accounts promising people a clean government hence forth. But is this genuine change or time wasting so that people get tired of protesting and the politicians can protect their own ill gotten wealth? In Egypt people are defying government bans on public protests and the president's son and heir, Gamal Mubarak is said to have escaped to London with wife and daughter. Protests have started in Yemen with calls for the president to go. If these dictators want to survive they should study the Iranian model and how Ahmadinejad survived last year's protests after blatantly stealing the elections. He used Basij militia thugs to beat up, threaten and kill protesters. Two men were hanged couple of days ago for the crime of protesting against the regime and human rights activists have been jailed for long terms. Those arrested were tortured in jail and raped. This in a country that touts itself as an Islamic Republic. Ahmadinejad has denied that the Holocaust ever took place and has said that 9/11 was an american plot to tarnish muslims. He has stayed awfully quiet, perhaps orchestrating the Hezbollah, which means the army of God, takeover of Lebanon. Meanwhile a suicide bomb in Moscow killed 35 and muslim militants attacked a police post in Thailand killing many. Bombs in Iraq and Pakistan are routine. What kind of God needs an army of psychopaths to protect him?

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