Saturday, January 08, 2011

Europe is gripped by a dioxin scare. Seems that a factory in Germany was manufacturing chemicals and animal feeds under one roof and dioxin got into fats which are mixed in animal feeds, reaching 77 times the legal limit, which then was mixed in feeds for poultry and pigs. Germany has put 4700 farm under quarantine and thousands of chicken will be culled. Although officials are stressing that there is no danger to humans because the chemicals will get diluted several times as it is fed to animals customers in Europe are reducing consumption of chicken, eggs and bacon. European governments are so protective of their own people yet do not hesitate to dump toxic wastes in African countries. France conducted open air tests of nuclear weapons on Mururoa Atoll. The US is way ahead when it comes to poisoning others. Hydrogen bombs on Japan, millions of tons of dioxin dumped on Vietnam as defoliant and depleted uranium and cluster bombs on Iraq. What they are doing to Afghanistan only God knows because the Afghans are too primitive fanatics to realise. There has been a surge in cancers and deformed babies in Vietnam and Iraq yet Europeans do not utter a peep because this is in Asia so who cares. It is also because Asian countries are disunited. China dreams of conquering all of Asia, Pakistan is a country of rabid dogs wanting to kill Indians, middle eastern countries finance these mad dog fanatics and Burma is stuck in a time warp where psychopathic generals have enslaved their own people. Disunity makes Asian countries weak and easy to exploit. Bhopal was not the last disaster. Other Union Carbides are waiting to happen.

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