Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Indians may be lacking in many things such as roads, water, sanitation, dependable electric supply, affordable education and healthcare but we never lack for entertainment. Even Bertie Wooster could not compete with our criminal politicians and thieving civil servants in their fumbling incompetence. The Minister of Agriculture has denied any responsibility for the rise in prices of onions and tomatoes as these are under the Prime Minister's Office, PMO. So, turnips and spinach belong to Agriculture but onions and tomatoes to the PMO along with nuclear weapons. The Oil Minister denies any culpability in the rise of petrol price to Rs 62/lit blaming the rise on world prices even as petrol price in the US is still about $ 3.10 a gallon which is around Rs. 32/lit including tax at 14%. The Railways will apparently be asking the Finance Minister for Rs 550 billion because falling growth in revenues means it will be unable to pay for replacement and maintenance. The Minister of Railways says that she is not interested in her ministry and chooses to concentrate on fighting the CPM in Bengal. Our most revered Prime Minister, the world famous economist, says that inflation is the fault of the people because they have become too prosperous and are spending more. Just when we are beginning to be pleased at the confessions of uselessness and planning to dump the whole lot into the garbage dump comes the news that the government has claimed that it is its sole right to appoint PJ Thomas as chief of Vigilance even if he is indicted for corruption in Kerala and the Supreme Court can push off. No wonder surveys show that Indians are world's most optimistic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great article:
