Friday, August 05, 2011

When India earns millions of dollars every year from medical tourism why should anyone go to the US for a simple operation? It is indeed ironic that someone has to spend 3 weeks in the US when Americans are coming here for surgery. Who will pay the millions of rupees it will cost, the taxpayer or the patient? Will the Italian government pay for a foreigner to be treated in the US? How generous we Indians are! The Delhi High Court has opined that Ms Mayawati, Chief Minister of UP, does not have to pay any tax on the millions she received as gift from her supporters because the gifts were a sign of their " love and affection ". Under Indian tax laws husband and wife are not allowed to file joint tax returns and only gifts from first degree relatives are free of tax. We are not aware that judges have been provided meters to measure " love ". Delhi Police have not found any evidence of any politician being bribed to vote for the Indo-US nuclear deal in 2008. When politicians are receiving so many billions for " love " a few thousand rupees are bound to get lost. Delhi Police were forced to start investigating after being forced by the Supreme Court but, of course, the Court cannot force them to do a proper job. Not surprising that these are the same thugs who brutally beat up sleeping women, children and old men at 2 am not so long ago. So vicious was their attack that one woman has ended up with spinal injuries leading to paralysis. The picture of former president Mubarak of Egypt lying inside a cage was inspirational. Will we ever see our rotten lot inside a similar cage? Or, better still, at the end of a rope? What a wonderful dream.

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