Monday, August 22, 2011

The middle east is fueled by hatred. They hate Jews, Christians, Hindus, the US, Israel, other tribes, Sunnis hate Shias and vice versa and so on. To meddle in this poison pot is to invite trouble. Cameron will no doubt enjoy his Thatcher moment when Gaddafi is captured and the rebel hold on Libya is complete but does he have any idea as to who the rebels are or whether they will remain united or fight a civil war? The US meddled in Vietnam resulting in slaughter of millions and the ultimate rout with tails between their legs. They meddled during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the myopic belief that defeat for the Soviets would be victory for the US but that resulted in 9/11 and US soldiers are still dying there. George Bush, father and son, meddled in Iraq leaving the country divided among sectarian groups with Iran holding maximum influence. Now NATO has " liberated " Libya from the hated Gaddafi but for whom. There are rumors that a rebel general was assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Pipes through the Sinai supplying gas to Israel have been repeatedly blown up. Recent attacks on Israeli buses by gunmen resulted in the death of 5 Egyptian police by Israeli soldiers in hot pursuit resulting in recall of the Egyptian ambassador to Israel and protests outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo. Under pressure of protests the Syrians sent Palestinians across the Israeli border on the day of Naqba so the present attacks could be to generate tension with Israel to divert people's attention. Or it could be Iran trying to support the Shia regime in Damascus. Western politicians cannot stop from meddling. They can only make it worse.

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