Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A man's honor depends on his word. The Congress promised a strong ombudsman but went back on its word and has introduced a bill, which is not just weak, but dangerous to citizens because it will help scoundrels to escape justice by threatening greater punishment to whistleblowers than to criminals. Now the Congress wants Anna Hazare to end his fast promising to put his version before the parliament. They must think that everyone is stupid because the Congress and its allies are in power precisely because they control parliament and we know whose version is going to be passed. Hazare has asked for written guarantees before ending his fast. This is such an insult for the Honest Man that anyone with the slightest sense of honor would have resigned his post. So called liberals have been scathing in their attacks on Hazare saying that his methods are extra parliamentary and that he has built up expectations so high that he is bound to disappoint people. Firstly, our parliament consists of criminals who are thriving in the present system and have no intention of seeing their privileges reduced. They have told lie after lie, tried to malign civil society members with false allegations and have even produced false evidence of wrongdoing. Evil has to be fought by any means possible. Secondly, even if Hazare fails does that mean he should not try to rid the country of corruption? The politicians and civil servants are such criminals that they will surely find a way to loot but if a strong Lok Pal bill manages to reduce corruption by a mere 50% that will help the poor more than all the social schemes put together. No wonder liberals are despised as woolly headed.

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