Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The riots in London are the result of many factors which have been building up over years. British police are known for their brutality, incompetence and racist attitudes. The inhuman practice of kettling as adopted during the recent peaceful protests by students led to some losing patience and attacking the Conservative party offices. The recent riots started from the fatal shooting of Mark Duggan as he was travelling by minicab. The police instantly lied that he had shot first but it appears that a bullet lodged in a police radio came from a police gun. The cold blooded execution of Jean Charles Menezes, an unarmed Brazilian electrician, in an Underground train, at Stockwell station is still fresh. At least 333 people have died in police custody since 1998 but not one police officer has been punished. The murder of Stephen Lawrence has still not been solved. Cameron has blamed the riots on criminals and has promised to punish them severely. That is exactly what Assad of Syria and Gaddafi of Libya are saying. The public was already sickened by the claims scandal. Then came the financial crisis of 2008 when banks were rescued with millions of taxpayer pounds only to see Fred Goodwin of Royal Bank of Scotland walk off with a pension of 1 million pounds/year. Bank executives are again receiving huge bonuses while the Cameron government has embarked on savage cuts in benefits and services leading to increasing unemployment. It is hard to understand how Cameron can find money to bomb Libya while increasing college fees by 300%. Blair had Iraq while Thatcher had Falklands. Cameron wants to make his mark as well. Or maybe he just likes to kill.

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