Wednesday, September 01, 2010

As President Obama announces the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq the question that begs an answer is ' what allows Americans to illegally invade Iraq and kill a million Iraqis and leave the grateful for having done so?' The US is still a white country and is instantly and unquestioningly supported by other white countries mainly based in Europe, especially Britain, and including Australia. Whereas Iraq is a divided country with Shias immensely grateful to the US in getting rid of Saddam's Sunni regime. The whites gang up in killing, looting and covering up their crimes by their control of all the world's news media. Al Jazeera was the first to break the stranglehold by showing some of the crimes committed by the US and NATO and so was deliberately bombed by US aircraft on at least three occasions killing journalists. Iraqis are immediately called terrorists when it is the US which is the invader and private US security firms like Blackwater, which are not covered by the Geneva convention, are the real terrorists. We are told that Iraq's economy is better than before the invasion. Iraq was a highly developed country before the Gulf War following which it was systematically looted by western countries under the abominable ' oil for food ' program which was collective punishment for the entire people because of Saddam's mistake in invading Kuwait. It was not really a mistake. Kuwait had always been a part of Iraq until the British cut it off. If China is allowed to kill Tibetans claiming it was a part of China during the dinosaur era then Saddam surely had a right to go for Kuwait. One white country commits a crime and then supports another in committing genocide. The whites rule.

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