Friday, September 03, 2010

Pakis are very angry with their cricketers for accepting money for ' spot fixing.' They are being accused of dishonoring the country. What puzzles me is how that is possible. This is a failed state ruled by its army and intelligence agency, ISI running around the world with a begging bowl to survive on alms thrown by the US, IMF, Wold Bank, China, Saudi Arabia and any one with a copper to spare. Its citizens keep blowing each other up on a regular basis. Its biggest export is terrorism and slaughter of innocent civilians. Its politicians are criminals, the President widely renowned as Mr. 10% ( if he has now been promoted to Mr. 25% then I apologize for the unintentional slight ), opposition Sharif brothers are both thugs and the army controls vast business empires. Most of its people are illiterate and inherently savage like rabid dogs. They want to be a religious state but do not have the basic decency of being grateful for being kept alive by western aid and would happily help the Taliban in killing Americans. The recent floods will adversely affect the economy for many years to come. The cricketers have grown up without any role model with any shred of honor and so decided to make as money as possible to be able to survive for the rest of their lives. One Paki minister has insisted that the cricketers are completely innocent. Of course they are. This is surely legitimate business enterprise in a country of criminals. They are entrepreneurs. It must be a ' conspiracy ' by the The News of the World, CIA, MI6, Zionists, Hindus, aliens from outer space or all them put together.

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