Sunday, September 05, 2010

If any man deserved to have shoes and eggs thrown at him, even though he remained untouched, it is Tony Blair. Notwithstanding all his protestations he is a war criminal and should be facing judges at the International Criminal Court at the Hague alongside Karadzic and Charles Taylor. It was his completely spineless surrender to George Bush that facilitated the illegal attack on Iraq with the consequent loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Shedding tears is no defence. Eichmann and Rudolf Hess may also have shed tears but that did not lessen their crimes. On the other side Bush, Cheney and their henchmen also seem to be getting away with their crimes. The reason is that the Democrats are cowards. They had a Democrat as President, majorities in both houses of the Congress and yet did not have the nerve to call the criminals to account for their actions. Lying to the people about WMDs, rendition and torture of prisoners, creative accounting by companies such as Halliburten, creating a huge tax deficit by giving tax breaks to the wealthy, death of US soldiers because of totally inept administration after Saddam's fall, so many reasons to prosecute Bush and his coterie of criminals. Yet the Democrats did nothing. They forgot the savage and shameless way the Republicans misused government machinery when Clinton was President. Even now they are scared to confront the lies being spread by the likes of Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Sarah Palin. Reminds me of how Walter Mondale backed off after cornering Reagan with ' where is the beef ' and allowed him to win. Cowards allow criminals to flourish. Democrats deserve to lose in November because they are cowards.

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