Friday, September 10, 2010

The US is so used to riding roughshod over other nations it seems genuinely surprised how India has managed to pass a Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages bill which does not allow complete indemnity to american companies supplying equipment for nuclear power plants even if faulty equipment results in the death of millions of Indians. Americans think they have the right to go around the world killing innocent people and no one should hold them responsible. After all Union Carbide got away with the slaughter of thousands and Andersen said that there is a law of the US meaning US law ruled over others. Notice how the various arms of the US government went after Toyota even though majority of the accidents were caused by stupid americans pressing the accelerator pedal instead of the brake. That is why no accident happened in cars with manual drive because the car cannot move unless the gear is engaged manually which takes conscious effort. This hounding of Toyota has allowed Ford and GM to turn in large profits only a year after they were in deep trouble. However, the lesson from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is more pertinent. Everyone from the Congress to President Obama and the media hounded BP nonstop but not a word was mentioned about Halliburten and Transocean which are US firms. It is glib to say that people can sue suppliers such as GE and Westinghouse through normal legal channels. In a nuclear accident who is going to investigate fault? The place will be radioactive and the heat may have melted much of the stuff anyway. When Obama comes calling we should tell him to shove off but do our lot have the spine.

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