Friday, September 17, 2010

Hallelujah. At last we have confirmation from the Pope. Yesterday, speaking in Scotland, he said that Britain should shun ' aggressive secularism.' In India we have aggressive pseudo secularism wherein Hindus are constantly taunted as ' saffronised ' and abused by being compared to the Taliban. So called ' Minorities ' have special rights and partial immunity from crimes. His Holiness also asked people to live by ' Christian values ' but did not define what these are. A precise definition would really help people like me who are Hindu or shall I say
' Hindu heathens.' Do Christian values arise from Jesus? If so, did he say that Hindus are heathens who should be converted by money, false promises or inquisition? If I am right he said that the meek shall inherit the earth. When you are converting people you are saying categorically that you are superior. It is not being meek, it is being extremely arrogant. The Pope has said in the past that yoga is evil. Did Jesus call anything ' evil?' I think he said something like ' he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.' He surely meant that everyone is a mixture of good and bad and you should not be judgemental as that would make you feel superior to others. It is an extremely common failing in human beings. That is what makes dictators think that they can kill opponents. That is what allows Americans to go around the world, especially Asia, killing millions. That is what makes jihadis want to blow up anyone they do not agree with. That is probably the reason why for decades the bishops and archbishops stayed silent while children were being abused. Perhaps humility should be the main value.

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