Saturday, November 19, 2016

Putin-Trump friendship important to keep Xi at bay.

For more than a week now the media has been concentrating alternately on the US and India. But important events are occurring elsewhere. After repeated pauses, to allow rebels and residents to leave, Russia and the Syrian government have resumed bombing of eastern Aleppo. It is hard to know what is going on. Rebels maybe motivated by Sunni hatred for the Shia Assad regime, in addition to pressure from western and Arab governments. What about civilians? According to BBC, it is because they do not trust the government's promises of safe passage and want to protect their properties in Aleppo. According to the Russian media, they are being imprisoned as human shields by the rebels. Relations between Russia and the West are poisoned, especially after sanctions were imposed on Russia following the annexation of Crimea. How did relations get so bad? For some unknown reason western countries did not welcome Russia as a friend after the Soviet Union disintegrated. Instead they saw it as a victory and proceeded to humiliate the nation into absolute capitulation. Boris Yeltsin was portrayed as a drunken buffoon, with some justification, by the western media. Naturally, a proud people voted for Vladimir Putin, who is seen as a strongman, to restore their respect. Tensions are stoked by irresponsible statements by people. Possibly to increase sale of his book, a retired British General claims that Russia will attack the Baltic states and annex them, as it did with Crimea. Some even claim that there is a possibility of a nuclear war, as if Russian leaders are fanatics who would not mind being annihilated in revenge strikes. Putin has denied that he has any intention of attacking a Nato member state but his statements are ignored, as if it is the babbling of a delusional lunatic. While politicians play games local people suffer as trade between Russia and the Baltic nations has dwindled. The European Union does not have the money to support Greece, let alone these nations. Unfortunately, Obama continued with the policy of confrontation by siting Patriot missiles in Poland and Romania, seen as a provocation by Russia. Putin hates Hillary Clinton who has been very abusive of him. Stupid arrogance has no place in international diplomacy. Well, Hillary Clinton is gone. Donald Trump is going to be the next president. So far Trump seems to want a new relation with Putin, not based on futile aggression. China must be watching with interest. If there is war between Russia and the West China will be able to conquer the whole of Asia without fear. For us in India that will be apocalypse.

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