Thursday, May 15, 2014

We should do what minorities do.

Kurdistan Regional Government is digging a trench, 11 miles long, 2 yards deep and 3 yards wide to keep Islamists from crossing over from Syria. Surely, when you are from the same minority you should be welcoming your brothers in arms. Israel has a castle strategy where a moat separates it from the enemy. " From the Straits of Gibraltar to Khyber Pass, it's very hard to come by a safe and secure area," said Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. In India we have opened our borders to Bangladeshis so that in parts of Assam and Bengal Indians are in a minority. This is known as increasing the ' vote bank '. We see Pakistanis on our TVs daily, commenting on IPL games and probably being paid handsomely. Pakistanis have been working in Bollywood films while the ISI continues to send terrorists across the border. There are actually  some Indians who want to move to Pakistan to listen to music. They should. Permanently. In recent days there has been outrage throughout the world at the kidnapping of over 200 girls by Boko Haram in Nigeria. The Arabic name for the group is Jama't Ahl as-Sunnah lid-da'wa wal-Jihad which translates to The Fellowship of the People of the Tradition for Preaching and Holy War. Tradition for Holy War! That is probably the reason for the trench. Syrian rebels fled the city of Homs, where the fighting started, while blowing up the Carlton Hotel in Aleppo by digging tunnels under the building and packing them with explosives. No one wants such people. But why such ferocity in Syria, apart from brotherly love that is? Why did the whole of the Middle East bloom in Arab Spring which has now withered away to winter? From 2006 to 2010 there was drought in Syria and Syria's UN Food and Agriculture Representative, Abdullah bin Yehia warned that the economic and social fallout from the drought would be " beyond our capacity as a country to deal with ". When there is less food the prudent course of action would be reduce the number of mouths to feed but in the 3 years of civil war more than 21,000 babies have been born to Syrian refugees, at the rate of 1 baby per hour.  The earth cannot produce enough food for the exploding numbers of humans. There are some who have a childish belief that genetically modified food can feed infinite numbers. Until millions of acres are run over by ' super weeds '. There is no doubt that we humans are destroying this earth.
With minorities producing at this rate further wars are certain. Perhaps that is the solution.

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