Thursday, May 08, 2014

Cannot work without full immunity.

In recent years a disease called ' policy paralysis ' has afflicted civil servants in India. Fear that every decision will be alleged to have been taken because of bribes has been acting as a brake, so nothing gets done. Apparently it is ' tough to be decisive and honest ' at the same time. One is likely to hear such rubbish only in India. It is true that civil servants take decisions involving trillions of rupees and if a contract is given to one business then rivals may claim bias, induced by bribes. Our investigative agencies are useless, even dangerous. They are unable to apprehend villains like Ottavio Quattrocchi and lost an extradition case only recently but brought a succession of false cases against Mr Narandra Modi and Mr Amit Shah at the instigation of the Congress. They are giving up now probably because officers are afraid that they may be held to account. In 4 years till July of last year 555 cases of fake encounters, in which police shoot criminals dead under the pretext of self defense, were registered in India of which Gujarat had only 12. UP had 138 cases of fake encounters but the CBI has been hounding Modi and Shah for 10 years, ever since the Congress came to power. So the fear of false allegations of corruption are well founded, but only because the public sees all civil servants as crooks and they receive no sympathy or support. While politicians come and go civil servants are permanent so they should be providing a solid backbone of development for the people. Instead, they cooperate with politicians to devise policies detrimental to us while enriching themselves. An excellent article shows how the government lies constantly to misuse our money for political gain while we lose out from life insurance and our savings in banks or post offices. An application for a new passport quickly proves how rules have been changed to defraud us. You have to apply online but need an advanced Adobe software to download the form. Filling the form is bad enough but getting an appointment is impossible because the window opens at 6 PM and closes within seconds. So you pay a tout who can magically get you an appointment for Rs 1200 and probably passes on a share. Fees have more than doubled for this privilege. If it is impossible for educated people like us imagine what it is for the illiterate who are in the majority. Doctors take life and death decisions everyday with the threat of Consumer Court hanging over them. The remedy is in their hands. Be transparent, love your country, treat people with respect, answer your mail and expose those who are corrupt. Not so difficult, is it?

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