Thursday, May 08, 2014

The Drone Master vs Vlad. Who wins?

The civil war in Ukraine is based on the assumption that every person in Ukraine desperately wants to be ruled by the European Union and if some people want to be close to Russia then they are agents infiltrated across the border from Russia by Vladimir Putin. As an example of self righteous arrogance it is breathtaking. Putin is referred to as Vlad, in a subliminal comparison to Vlad the Impaler who was the inspiration behind Bram Stokers' Dracula, by propaganda channels, such as the BBC, not mentioning that Vlad is regarded as a hero in Romania. But hang on. British Prime Minister, David Cameron offered to hold a referendum to decide whether the British want to remain in the EU. Does that make him a ex-KGB thug as well? The right wing neo-Nazi government in Kiev is waging a war against its own citizens with helicopter gunships and heavy weapons. In scenes reminiscent of Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989 ordinary people stood in front of tanks to stop them from massacring pro-Russian activists. But they were unsuccessful in preventing 46 people from being burnt to death in the Trades Union building in Odessa by extreme right wing, Right Sector thugs. People trapped in the upper floors of the building were pleading with these criminals to open the doors and save their lives but the thugs stood around, protected by heavily armed Ukrainian troops, taunting the terrified people. Special forces have been sent into the east to hunt down pro-Russian activists. The right wing government in Kiev, set up by western countries, is blaming Russia for all the deaths and NATO is using this contrived emergency to station troops permanently in eastern European countries. It is no wonder that Russia sees western countries as enemies who are trying to humiliate it, much like Weimar Germany did, leading to World War II. With some justification. After the fall of the Soviet Union Boris Yeltsin became president. He was a drunk and a buffoon and western countries treated him with contempt. Instead of helping Russia develop strong institutions they helped thieving oligarchs flush their banks with hundreds of billions of looted dollars. As the economy plummeted Russians voted for Putin, a strong man, who brought about some stability. Since then there has been a systematic propaganda of vilification against Putin. Western media sees this as the perfect opportunity to attack Russia and finish it off. Obama has been named ' Drone Master ', like some comic villain, because he has used drones to kill thousands. He has been a gasbag so far so will he see this as his opportunity to prove his manhood. We hope not.

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