Saturday, September 08, 2012

Why the US is so strong.

It was fascinating to watch the party conventions in the US in the last one week though it was not possible to listen to most of the speakers because of the time difference. As is usual, Obama was nominated unchallenged as courtesy to a president in office but Mitt Romney had to battle against several challengers to get the nomination for the Republican Party. The Republican strategy is to make the forthcoming presidential elections in November a referendum on Obama's record over the last 4 years and all their speeches were about the lack of economic recovery and the stubbornly high unemployment. Their speeches were deliberately bland, lacking any details as to how they intend to improve the situation. Almost every speaker seemed to have a grandfather who was a miner and parents who worked 2 jobs to give them a good education proving that America is a land of opportunities. The Democrat strategy was to emphasise that this is not about just one man but an election between 2 men with diametrically opposing views on how to reduce the gigantic deficit and create jobs at the same time. The Republicans believe in small government, reducing federal government expenditure, except in defense, and in cutting taxes to stimulate business thus creating jobs. The Democrats believe that this will cut Medicare, Medicaid and social support for the poor while making the rich richer. The best speech by far was that of Bill Clinton. He was charming, amusing, sarcastic and supported his arguments with facts and figures. He said," Since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, and the Democrats 24. In these 52 years, our economy has produced 66 million private-sector jobs. So what's the job score? Republicans: 24 million and Democrats: 42 million. Because poverty, discrimination and ignorance restrict growth." " And in the last 29 months, our economy has produced 4.5 million private-sector jobs." " During this period, more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created under President Obama." He treats his audience with respect and does not trash his opponents. He uses figures to prove his point that Obama's record is better than that of previous Republican presidents and that electing Romney will destroy Medicare and Medicaid, hurting the poor and the old. This is because the US has a large middle class which demands respect. The contrast with India could not be greater. We have some 900 million poor of which 600 million have no toilets. They have been deliberately kept illiterate so that they can be easily bought with handouts. One politician promises free electricity, another promises color TVs and a third color TV plus one goat. State electricity companies have a combined debt of Rs 3 trillion. It would be fine if they were giving with their own money but no, they are blatantly bribing the electorate with taxpayer money. The largest embezzlement in history. The US will recover, we will not.

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