Friday, September 14, 2012

Ban all citizens.

Politicians in India, especially of the Congress ilk, love to ban things. Perhaps it gives them a sense of power and reminds citizens to stay in their place. Books, from Lady Chatterley's Lover to Satanic Verses, have been banned because someone decided that people were so infantile that their minds maybe corrupted. Mostly without reading any of them, of course. Girls dancing in Chandni bars in Mumbai were banned to save them from lecherous males so many of them were forced into prostitution. Mumbai has recently banned all strikes with powers to imprison anyone daring to withdraw labor. The monsoon session of the Parliament was a washout with no work done. But perhaps that was a good thing. Portable ultrasound machines have been banned in Delhi to stop abortion of female fetuses. Sex discrimination is only possible at around 12 weeks of pregnancy when genitals are visible. Portable machines are required in very early pregnancy to exclude tubal pregnancy, which is a life threatening condition, or to localise the tiny fetus so that the uterus in not perforated. So women's lives are being risked to save unborn girls. But who cares? The Congress has tried to ban protests by killing protesters. Last year one woman died when she was severely beaten up by Delhi Police while she was asleep in the early hours of 4 June. She was protesting against corruption in government. Last Monday a protester was shot dead in Chennai while protesting against the Kudankulum nuclear power plant. Hundreds have been arrested and charged with sedition. Local villagers are afraid of a Fukushima type meltdown. Being illiterate they have probably not heard of Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. Sedition is a very handy law enacted by the British to keep pesky natives under control. The Congress is just as foreign. Serious attempts have been made to ban cartoons. School textbooks have already been cleansed and Aseem Trivedi was arrested in Mumbai for drawing a cartoon showing the Parliament as a water closet. Silly boy did not know that Parliament is the " light pillar of democracy ". Internet and social media would have been banned by now but were saved because of criticism by foreign diplomats. The enormous chorus of protest at home was irrelevant because only the middle class can afford computers so who cares? The half naked aam aadmi is the real " vote bank ". Finally, The Independent, Time Magazine and The Washington Post would have been banned for daring to criticise our most revered Prime Minister. Sadly these foreigners refused to be banned. The Independent asked," Manmohan Singh - India's Saviour or Sonia's poodle ." Time Magazine labeled him " The Underachiever " while The Washington Post thought that he is a " dithering, ineffectual bureaucrat presiding over a deeply corrupt government ". If they could our politicians would have banned all citizens. Just vote every 5 years and then shut your mouths. Parliament is " supreme ".

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