Thursday, September 06, 2012

We need a first amendment.

An independent commission was set up to investigate the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant by a tsunami last year. In the introduction the chairman, Kiyoshi Kurokawa, a professor emeritus at Tokyo University says," What must be admitted - very painfully - is that this was a disaster ' Made in Japan.' It's fundamental causes are to be found in the ingrained conventions of Japanese culture; our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to ' sticking with the programme '; our groupism; and our insularity. Had other Japanese been in the shoes of those who bear responsibility for this accident, the result may well have been the same." These words could apply exactly to us Indians, especially to our politicians and civil servants. While the Japanese are motivated by their Samurai code of the Bushido, Indians are motivated by nothing more than self interest. This toxic " reflexive obedience " and " reluctance to question authority " is at the basis of all the cases of corruption that we see today. Those in authority are so accustomed to having their orders obeyed unquestioned that they are unable to tolerate any criticism, however justified, and will react violently if pushed. This explains the government's aggressive reaction to calls by the civil society for an ombudsman to investigate accusations of corruption against politicians and civil servants and the violent attack on sleeping people by Delhi Police on 4 June 2011 in which one woman was so badly injured she later died. Unfortunately for the brutes globalisation has meant that foreign companies have invested heavily in India and have lost vast sums of money due to corruption. Foreigners are now casting a jaundiced eye on our administration and their verdict is not favorable. An article in the Washington Post had this to say about our most esteemed Prime Minister," But the image of a scrupulously honorable, humble and intellectual technocrat has slowly given way to a completely different one: a dithering ,ineffectual bureaucrat presiding over a deeply corrupt government." As expected the reflex reaction of the Congress Party has been to snarl and threaten the paper with unspecified revenge. The Prime Minister's Office has labelled the article " unethical " and " unprofessional ". It never ceases to amaze that these people are so ignorant about freedom of speech in western countries when they are forever wasting taxpayer money on foreign junkets. Have they never heard of Fox News, Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh? The First Amendment of the US constitution says," Congress shall make no law ...... abridging freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." If an Indian dares he will certainly get beaten up, and maybe even killed, but you cannot shut up foreigners. If you want to strut around on the world stage you must ensure that your underwear is clean.

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