Thursday, March 03, 2022

The ignorance of Netflix Indians.

"The US State Department has recalled a cable to American diplomats that instructed them to inform counterparts from India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that their position of neutrality on Ukraine put them 'in Russia's camp', Axios, a US news outlet reported," TIE. "The cable, rated sensitive but unclassified, was sent to US embassies in nearly 50 countries represented at the UN Human Rights Council on Monday, but was recalled on Tuesday afternoon, Axios reported." If this was a genuine mistake, an act of stupidity, or a disguised warning to sovereign nations, while avoiding a risk of a hostile reaction, we will never know. Nevertheless, it shows enormous arrogance and cowardice of a bully picking on weaker nations but terrified to take on China. "China won't join the United States and European governments in imposing financial sanctions on Russia, the country's bank regulator said," ET. One month back, "Russia has agreed a 30-year contract to supply gas to China via a new pipeline and will settle the new gas sales in euros, bolstering an energy alliance with Beijing amid Moscow's strained ties with the West over Ukraine and other issues," Reuters. China had foreign exchange reserves worth $3.398 trillion as of 31 January, wikipedia. "US goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $615.2 billion in 2020. Exports were $164.9 billion; imports were $450.4 billion. The US goods and services trade deficit with China was $285.5 billion in 2020," USTR. "As many as 3.7 million US jobs have been lost due to the US trade deficit with China since China's WTO entry, according to various estimates," HBR. "For 20 years China has dragged its feet on granting US companies access to its market equivalent the access to the United States that its companies enjoy." While sucking up to China, "The most sexless, nothing, these people," said Richard Nixon about Indians. "To me, they turn me off. How the hell they turn other people on, Henry? Tell me." To which Henry Kissinger replied, "The Indians are bastards anyway," News18. "Sending its 7th Fleet to the Bay of Bengal during the 1971 Indo-Pak war might not have been the only aggressive military action taken by the US against India in 1971," ET. "To counter this two-pronged British-American threat, Russia dispatched a nuclear armed flotilla from Valdivostok on December 13 under the overall command of Admiral Vladimir Kruglyakov," wrote Shweta Sengar. "Declassified US State Department documents on Afghanistan from late 1970s and 1980s that Washington, in agreement with Beijing, turned a blind eye to Pakistan's nuclear program in lieu of Islamabad's support to push out Soviet Union from Kabul," ET. Barack Obama repeatedly supplied F16 fighter jets to Pakistan, knowing that they would be used against India, TIE. The US has consistently supported India's enemies. Had it not been for Russia India may have been conquered. Sadly, Netflix Indians don't know the perfidies of the US and are abusing Russia. When all Russia wants is peace and security. 

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