Friday, April 17, 2020

Same everywhere, aren't they?

While the coronavirus lockdown is causing inconvenience, stress and loss of earnings for humans, wild animals are enjoying our absence, as these lions in Kruger National Park. At other places deer, goats and bears have been seen where, normally, there would be human traffic. People are beginning to rebel against being locked down. "Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina and Utah -- states led by both Democratic and Republican governors -- have all seen protests in recent days as people grow more concerned about the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic." Bitterly divided politicians in the US cannot agree on anything despite the number of deaths at 33,049. Democrats would not agree to a $250 billion stimulus bill for small businesses unless it included support for hospitals and key workers. "The new Department of Labor filings bring the number of jobless claims over the last four weeks to more than 20 million." "Many economists warn that elevated numbers will linger, with Goldman Sachs researchers expecting some 37 million claims by the end of May." With presidential election on 3 November 2020, Donald Trump is anxious to restart the economy so as to go into the campaign with the economy growing and people getting back to work. Democrats would be happy to see no growth to be able to blame Trump. Left Wing Vox was outraged when Trump tweeted to liberate Minnesota, Virginia and Michigan, all swing states with Democratic governors. "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, is pushing for a new stimulus bill that would roll back the state and local tax deduction (SALT) cap, a proposal that would predominantly help wealthy individuals -- including most residents in Pelosi's district and perhaps even Pelosi herself," wrote the right wing Fox News. Last month Democrats voted against a $1.8 billion coronavirus stimulus package, with 5 Republican Senators in self-quarantine and unable to vote, because it contained $500 billion support for big business. Indignant Fox News reported that the House had earmarked $35 million for the "John F Kennedy Center for the performing arts in Washington D.C." While the coronavirus was raging in China and beginning to invade the world, Pelosi was delaying impeachment proceedings of Donald Trump to get maximum mileage out of it. Trump was acquitted by the Senate on 5 February 2020. However, that is still simmering as it is the turn of the Trump administration to investigate whether the allegations of collusion with Russia was a criminal conspiracy to overturn Trump's election victory. The Department of Justice has found that "the FBI has repeatedly violated surveillance rules", despite claims to the contrary by the Democrats and the media. We know our lot. Seems that politicians are not much different in the US as well.

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