Sunday, July 07, 2019

Dismembered is surely worse than dysfunctional?

The British Ambassador to the US has made nasty comments about US President Donald Trump in memos leaked to the Mail on Sunday. "We don't really believe this Administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept," he wrote. He said that "something could emerge that leads to disgrace and downfall" but also wrote that Trump could "emerge from the flames, battered but intact, like (Arnold) Schwarzenegger in the final scenes of The Terminator". While the British stick to a story of a  'special relationship' with the US they are unable to adjust to the fact that the US is by far the stronger nation and Britain will probably fade into irrelevance with nostalgic memories of a brutal empire. So they resort to mockery. Trump is no Obama who took orders from the then British Prime Minister David Cameron to bomb Gaddafi in Libya, killing at least 30,000 civilians and leaving behind an unstable country locked in a perpetual civil war. Obama probably realised, much too late, that he had been had. Trump's state visit to the UK was greeted with more hostility than friendship. However, if the Trump administration is dysfunctional the entire British political establishment is in complete disarray over Brexit, with the House of Commons repeatedly voting to reject a deal reached with the European Union (EU) after months of negotiation, and also voting against 8 non-binding resolutions put before members of parliament (MPs). Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation in a tearful address. The Conservative Party is to elect a new leader who will become the next prime minister and will presumably be able to reach a deal with the EU that the MPs can stomach. The race is down to two men -- Boris Johnson, who is the favorite, and his challenger Jeremy Hunt. The Conservative Party has been swollen by 36,000 new members who get to vote in the election. Whether these are the same people who gave a resounding victory to the new Brexit Party of Nigel Farage in the recent elections to the European Parliament in Brussels, we do not know. Trump has suggested Farage as the desired ambassador to Washington but that has been swiftly rejected by the government. Boris Johnson is not seen as trustworthy He is prepared to leave the EU without a deal, the so-called 'hard Brexit'. A no-deal Brexit could be disastrous for the British economy and Scotland may demand another referendum for independence from the UK. A divided Britain will probably lose its seat on the UN Security Council and other key international bodies. If the US is dysfunctional, the UK could end up dismembered.

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