Tuesday, May 21, 2019

They had it good while it lasted.

Couple of days back the conservative Liberal-National coalition of Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia won a shock majority over the left-wing Labor Party in general elections, when exit polls predicted a defeat. "Most people who vote for conservatives do not reveal their choice to pollsters who might, for the most part, be 'left' or liberal," wrote Prof VA Nageswaran. "It is considered 'wrong' to vote for conservatives because that is the narrative that is considered to be politically correct." Liberals believe in freedom of the individual without constraints from the government. They are wary of democracy because "it might generate a tyranny by the majority". "We live in an age of the minority mob," wrote Q Letts. "The forces of political correctness impose their unyielding views everywhere." Such has been the campaign for gender neutrality that children in Britain are asking for sex change treatments. The UK government takes children away from their parents if the parents refuse to cooperate with sex change operations. Though liberals believe in freedom from government they want the government to provide cradle to grave social services financed by income tax and inheritance tax. They also want "an end to the tariffs and restrictions that governments imposed on foreign imports to protect domestic producers". Unfortunately for liberals, other nations took advantage of low tariffs while erecting barriers of their own. "In the early 1970s, China began pretending to be friends with the United States," wrote S Deb. "The West thought that freer markets would lead to a flowering of democracy, but the Chinese do not believe either in free markets or in democracy."  The migrant crisis in Europe has strained the open border policies of liberals. Hungary erected a high tech border fence at its southern border to keep out migrants. The left wing media labels anyone dissenting with their views as far-right, fascists or even Nazis. People have had enough. Across Europe nationalist parties are winning more seats in elections. Europe is to hold elections to the European Parliament in Brussels in the next few days.The far-right parties in Europe are expected to more than double the number of their seats and "control as much as 18% of Parliament". "Brexit, Trump election, trade tensions, Merkel announcing retirement, Macron's troubles, arrest of Huawei CEO, US self-sufficiency in oil -- may be coincidence but the confluence suggests end of globalization era. Can't put Humpty Dumpty back together," tweeted S Thiruvadanthai, director of research at Jerome Levy Forecasting Center in New York. The liberal world order, that was at its height after World War II, may be coming to an end, wrote R Kagan. Not because of Russia and China, but because of the arrogant elite who pursued their own interests and refused to listen to the masses. The masses are striking back.

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