Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Only a fair system can survive.

"The end of communism, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union were supposed to have ended history," wrote Prof VA Nageswaran, but an article in the Economist "depicts the rise of 'millennial socialism'". A poll by Gallup last year found that "51 percent of young people are positive about socialism". Why? Because, "Capitalism -- both of the arm's length variety and of the relationship variety (pejoratively referred to as 'crony capitalism') -- has failed to prevent unfairness from becoming the foundation of the interaction of capitalism with the rest of society." "Despite today's strong economy, many young Americans are struggling to make ends meet." "Because salaries aren't going as far as they used to to cover basic necessities, Americans are also taking on more work. About four in 10 Americans hold some kind of second job, according to a 2018 Bankrate survey." What is scaring some in the US is that "one in five Americans in the 20s consider former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a hero". Maybe, because 7 out of 10 Americans confuse communism with socialism. But, young people can see what is going on in Venezuela where socialist policies of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro have resulted in hyperinflation, shortage of food and medicines and millions of citizens migrating to surrounding countries in search of food. When they see that the richest 1% of the world earned 82% of wealth generated when wages of workers in the US are not growing even though unemployment is at 4.1% they must feel that the system is loaded against them. In an experiment, brown Capuchin monkeys showed their displeasure when one was given a superior reward for the same task. They were upset at, what they perceived as, unfair treatment. "Both forms of capitalism -- arms-length and arms-around -- stand discredited because they abandoned the invisible hand of morality that under-girded interactions between members of the society." It was competition between Catholic and Protestant churches that resulted in capitalism giving rise to "a shift from agriculture to manufacturing and services; rationalization of laws; the rise of entrepreneurship; rise in income tax revenue and social safety nets". With increasing inequality, climate change and degradation of the environment we could be hurtling towards a collapse of civilisation. wrote L Kemp. If we are going to self-destruct socialism or capitalism will not matter. Is it already too late to correct our course?


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